At Platinum, we pride ourselves on the work we accomplish for our clients across California and the nation. Our work has allowed us to become one of the nation’s leading advocacy firms on some of the most pressing public policy challenges.
Napa Valley Vintners
In 2000, Platinum Advisors worked with the Napa Valley Vintners to pass SB 1293, a bill that prohibited companies from using any brand name containing "Napa" unless 75% of the grapes in the wine originated from Napa County, CA. The bill took aim at companies that used “Napa” on wine labels, yet intentionally produced wines from grapes grown outside of the Napa Valley region with lower quality and less expensive grapes. The legislation was challenged all the way up to the California Supreme Court who ultimately upheld the law, underscoring a massive success for the Napa Valley winemakers.
Ultimate Fighting Championship
On behalf of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Platinum Advisors led the advocacy effort that legalized the sport of mixed martial arts in California. The lobbying effort included advocacy with the California State Legislature, Governor, and the California State Athletic Commission. Platinum Advisors worked closely with policymakers on precedent-setting, statutory-clarifying work that served as a model for states across the country.
News Media Alliance
Platinum Advisors works with the News Media Alliance, helping them advocate for a fair share of revenue generated by news content on online platforms. They educate policymakers in Washington D.C. and Sacramento on the importance of treating the news industry fairly in the digital ecosystem, while cultivating allies in non-profits and thought leaders. The work is ongoing both in D.C. and California, but support for the news industry’s fight against big tech for a fair share of the revenue that news content generates online grows every day through our joint advocacy.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Platinum Advisors represents NAMI California, the leading organization to provide help, hope and health for those affected by serious mental illness. In 2021, Platinum Advisors advocated for legislation to establish the Mental Health Crisis Prevention Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund, which funds their Crisis Intervention Team program. The program provides intensive training for law enforcement, including verbal and non-verbal de-escalation skills and scenario-based training for responding to mental health crises. The CIT program empowers law enforcement to safely resolve mental health crises, helping individuals with mental illness get on the road to recovery.
Ventura County
When Ventura County needed approval to use its in-house labor compliance program for design-build procurement contracts, they turned to Platinum Advisors. With existing laws requiring local governments to obtain consent from the Department of Industrial Relations, Platinum Advisors stepped in to expedite the process. After meeting with the Secretary of Labor, who oversees the Department of Industrial Relations, Platinum Advisors helped secure the first-ever Department of Industrial Relations’ approval of a local labor compliance program in California.
Frontiers Media
Platinum Advisors works with Frontiers Media, a global Open Access academic publisher, to advocate for a shift in public policy towards supporting open access publishing. They educate key policymakers in Washington D.C. on the benefits of open access for science and society, while cultivating allies in think tanks and the academic community. Through Platinum’s deep and longstanding relationships in Washington D.C., we were able to educate key policymakers on open access and its benefits for science and society. Platinum Advisors also cultivated allies at think tanks and with others in the academic community. The work is ongoing but support for the policy grows every day through our joint advocacy.
Orange County Transportation Authority
In 2013, Platinum Advisors spearheaded a policy initiative to secure design-build authority for the I-405 improvement project of the Orange County Transportation Authority. This had been a longstanding goal for the agency and other transportation stakeholders. The process required skillful negotiation, strong relationships with officials, knowledge of applicable laws, strategic guidance, and effective communication with the client.
City & County of San Francisco
Platinum Advisors ushered AB 981 (Leno) through the Legislature, a significant milestone that allowed the City & County of San Francisco to proceed with the development of Treasure Island. The bill was precedent setting, because, for the first time, it authorized a local agency to impose a fee for the use of local public streets. All other roadway fees and tolls have been limited to the state highway system.
Business Software Alliance
In 2020, we successfully extended the exemption for employment and business-to-business data from the California Consumer Privacy Act until January 1, 2022. This was a compromise among various stakeholders, including privacy groups and labor advocates, who agreed to work together to find a better solution for handling such data. The agreement called for stakeholders to come together and develop a solution in 2020, but the COVID-19 crisis denied stakeholders the opportunity to engage on this issue. Extending the sunset allowed our client more time to develop solutions to be in compliance with the new law.
Receivables Management Association, International
We represent the Receivables Management Association, International, the trade association for the debt buying industry. Despite facing a hostile political climate, we achieved several successes, including working collaboratively with the State Legislature on a bill that established a licensing program for debt buyers that benefits both consumers and the industry. We also secured amendments to two bills that originally targeted the industry, but were ultimately revised to include industry best practices that we supported.
Crown Castle
We currently work with Crown Castle, the largest telecommunications infrastructure company in the nation, to manage their public affairs and stakeholder engagement campaign. With our deep relationships in Sacramento and strategic partnerships with non-profit groups, we successfully passed legislation that was crucial to the company’s business goals. The legislation received support from over 30 community groups, trade associations, and technology leaders, and was nearly unanimously passed by the California State Legislature and signed by the Governor.
California Association of Port Authorities
Platinum Advisors manages the public affairs and strategic communications program for California's public seaports trade association. In 2021, the global supply chain was pushed to the brink, causing a backlog of cargo ships stranded across the West Coast and delaying the delivery of essential goods. At the peak of the crisis, policymakers were quick to point the blame towards California’s public seaports that struggled to keep up with rising demand and they quickly became the epicenter of the global crisis. Platinum Advisors reframed the narrative by showcasing a public policy roadmap that highlighted underfunding of port infrastructure, leading to high-profile media placements and a historic $1.2 billion investment by the Governor to support infrastructure across California's seaports.