Advancing efficient and robust transportation infrastructure is one of the top challenges facing many of our clients. From high-speed rail and public transit to bicycles and seaports, the transportation industry faces numerous competing factions and challenges. Platinum Advisors has extensive transportation experience, and has translated that expertise into many successes for our clients.
In the City and County of San Francisco, urban transportation presents a wide array of other issues, as public agencies and private companies try to navigate the increasingly congested streets to provide safer and more efficient transportation. We lead the California Association of Port Authorities, the trade association that represents California’s 11 public seaports. In doing so, we have a robust and comprehensive knowledge of global supply chain challenges, port and goods movement infrastructure, and global trade. Additionally, Platinum Advisors has represented clients that advanced electric vehicle charging initiatives, advocating for expanding infrastructure that embraces the technology.
In Washington, D.C., Platinum Advisors boasts a robust set of capabilities in federal transportation policy. We assist clients with a broad range of transportation issues and competitive grant applications across a variety of port, shipping, railroad, and ground transportation clients, and guide clients through the Congressional process to secure funding by fostering and maintaining valuable relationships within the committees of jurisdiction. Additionally, our expertise extends to federal maritime policy, where we work to address regulations surrounding shipping and port operations. Our proficiency in these domains ensures that our clients are not only well-versed in these critical areas but also actively involved in shaping the policies that impact their interests.
Platinum Advisors understands that healthcare is a dynamic and ever-changing industry and as such, we understand how to best position our diverse set of healthcare clients to weather the storms as they come and to seize on opportunity at every turn. Whether it is universal health care, state-based licensing, funding opportunities or defending against ill-conceived proposals, you can rely on Platinum Advisors’ health care experts to help you navigate through the complex industry.
Perhaps the most complicated health issue is the approach to comprehensive health care reform and coverage for all. Platinum Advisors’ extensive experience working with state and federal leaders in the legislative, administrative, and regulatory arenas has resulted in years of success for a wide range of past and present clients in the healthcare space. Our team in Washington, D.C. builds upon their long-standing relationships with Congressional lawmakers and federal agencies like the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to help clients navigate the evolving federal healthcare landscape. Our clients have been at the forefront of a wide range of front-line issues, from the development of COVID-19 test kits to the expansion of dental coverage under Medicare. Our successes in government procurement include a broad variety of disciplines and products such as professional services, infrastructure, technology, transportation, and construction.
For example, we have helped hospitals obtain additional federal and state funding under the Medi-Cal program and have successfully fought off expensive regulatory burdens proposed in both legislation and regulation, arranged meetings with the Governor and his staff so that hospital executives could discuss seismic retrofit/reconstruction needs, and helped pharmaceutical companies obtain approval for products and services under governmental programs. We have successfully expanded the scope of practice for healthcare practitioners, obtained state funding for programs that would expand access to lifesaving medications and blocked harmful legislation that would have fundamentally disrupted the delivery of quality care to our clients’ patients.
California is the nation’s leading agricultural producer, but farming communities nationwide face more challenges than ever. Urbanization, fuel costs, environmental quality, sustainability, labor and international competition all affect the viability of agricultural interests in the state. These challenges grow as state officials propose new policies to limit the use of California land and water resources.
Platinum Advisors has successfully represented farming interests on a wide range of issues, including fee increases, drainage, water quality and water supply in new and emerging markets. In addition, Platinum Advisors has been instrumental in resolving disputes over oyster harvesting and humanitarian farming techniques.
Platinum's expertise in navigating complex policy landscapes extends to agricultural policy, leveraging our experience, long-term relationships, and knowledge to help clients capitalize on public policy priorities in the agricultural sector. Working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), we position clients to secure funding opportunities, research grants, and engage with regulatory frameworks that shape the nation's agricultural landscape. Most recently, Platinum Advisors worked with an indoor vertical farm to educate lawmakers on the potential of innovative agricultural practices that not only support conservation goals but address supply chain issues and food insecurity.
Winning a contract through the government procurement process requires a nimble and knowledgeable team. Platinum Advisors has proven successful at every phase of the process – from securing funding, responding to Requests for Proposals and Requests for Qualifications, negotiating terms and conditions, and solidifying the final award. Government sales is often a tedious process; our team can help save valuable time and resources.
Platinum Advisors has secured billions of dollars in work for our clients. Our successes in government procurement include a broad variety of disciplines and products such as professional services, infrastructure, technology, transportation, and construction.
Platinum helps clients navigate the federal procurement terrain across multiple relevant agencies. Our diverse range of long-term relationships, experience, and expertise positions our clients in an optimal position to drive their proposals to the top of the pile. From developing an effective procurement proposal to navigating the full procurement process efficiently, the Platinum Advisors team provides the needed assistance and support. In particular, we have extensive expertise in navigating the General Services Administration’s purchasing programs, as well as a familiarity with the U.S. Congress’ earmark process.
Land Use
Navigating the entitlement and permitting process is often the most difficult land use challenge facing developers and property owners. Even the most experienced land use professionals face a frustrating maze when attempting to build or redevelop properties. From initial planning applications through the final inspection phase, working with the experienced team at Platinum Advisors can make the entire process more focused, streamlined and successful.
Platinum Advisors professionals have more than 20 years of experience and success in land use entitlements, zoning and permitting. Whether it is a high-rise commercial development or a home renovation; whether it’s a retail or restaurant development; whether it involves street closures or a conditional-use permit, zoning changes or a simple inspection permit, Platinum Advisors can provide the expertise necessary to successfully guide a client through the process.
Platinum Advisors can also help position a project to achieve neighborhood and interest-group support. Legislative or regulatory approvals are required on virtually every land use project, and Platinum Advisors is an ideal partner to make your project a success.
We have also led the way on approvals and permitting for numerous high-profile events, including the U.S. Open Golf Tournament, the Treasure Island Music Festival and the Nike Women’s Marathon.
Legislative & Budget Advocacy
The state’s record-setting budget battles and declining revenues mean that local governments must be diligent year-round to preserve their position in the distribution of funds. Education, infrastructure repair, homeland security, social services and countless state-mandated programs must be funded. The competition for funding gets tougher every year. Platinum Advisors provides in-depth analysis and consulting to a wide variety of local government entities and plays a critical role in keeping them positioned to meet the needs of their communities, protects them from state raids on local funds, and advocates for stable and predictable revenue sources.
In these difficult budget times, our legislative work can also help save our public sector clients’ money. Sometimes those efforts are in the form of direct dollars, and sometimes we are able to improve government efficacy – saving both time and money. For instance, on behalf of one of our clients, we defeated a bill that would have added a new layer of bureaucracy and directly cost our client $750,000 in general fund revenue. In another case, our client sponsored legislation that specifically waived more than a million dollars in fines and penalties that the state was improperly trying to collect, ultimately achieving the desired result of the legislation being signed into law.
Platinum’s federal team has extensive experience with submitting Congressional Directed Spending requests for our clients, and garnering support from stakeholders and policymakers at every level. For example, before submitting a funding request on behalf of a transloading service provider to improve their facilities for the FY24 appropriations bill, our team collected letters of support from local, state, and national companies and officials alike to underscore the importance of the client’s services for U.S. supply chains.
Energy, Environment, & Natural Resources
Energy and environmental concerns are a priority at every level of government. For more than 10 years, Platinum Advisors has guided clients, ranging from small startups to large publicly traded corporations, through the labyrinth of energy and climate-change policy.
We have helped clients navigate crucial business matters throughout the regulatory and legislative process, and in developing interest group support. Platinum Advisors also been successful in shaping cap & trade funding programs, and securing auction revenue appropriations. Public interest in “green” issues continues to grow precipitously, making this field more competitive, but also inviting new opportunities for the development and implementation of green technologies.
The experienced team at Platinum Advisors has worked with energy producers, a cutting-edge automobile manufacturer, public entities and numerous environmental non-profits, effectively leading the way on energy, climate change and environmental issues.
Thanks to decades-long relationships and deep-rooted industry insight, Platinum Advisors opens the door to the federal government’s top policymakers in the energy and natural resources space. As a team with strong relationships throughout Congress and federal agencies, Platinum’s clients engage with the highest levels of the Department of Energy, Department of Defense and Congressional Appropriations committees to introduce and procure intricate renewable energy projects. Our team’s core environmental and natural resources expertise also extend to Native American issues, natural disaster relief efforts, and wildfire mitigation in municipalities increasingly vulnerable to a changing environment.
ENtertainment & Sports
California is known as the entertainment capital of the nation, and some of our attractions and icons are among the most popular in the country. This industry, however, is highly competitive. Navigating its myriad issues can be especially challenging; regulation, branding, land use, transportation and taxation issues have all been brought to Platinum Advisors for guidance and resolution.
Platinum Advisors has been actively involved in high-profile entertainment issues including Internet piracy, production and recording artists’ rights. Platinum works hand-in-hand with SAG-AFTRA, the labor union representing approximately 160,000 professionals in the entertainment sector, to ensure the union’s members are fairly compensated in a challenging market. We have managed legislative hearings that attracted international attention and led to landmark changes in the way royalties are distributed in the entertainment industry. We have helped establish groundbreaking brand protections for the world’s premier wine industry. We have worked with the brand leader in the world’s fastest growing sport to ensure a safe, fair, and competitive environment for athletes and promoters.
We have also led the way on approvals and permitting for numerous high-profile events, including the U.S. Open Golf Tournament, the Treasure Island Music Festival, the Nike Women’s Marathon. We have a deep knowledge and understanding of the electronic sports and hospitality industries.
From small startups to established, multinational corporations, Platinum Advisors positions its clients for success in the hyper-competitive digital space. Platinum’s expertise ensures that our clients interact with top decision makers at the federal, state, and local level to promote their policy and regulatory agendas. As decision makers in state houses across the US and on Capitol Hill increasingly focus their sight on bolstering US competitiveness, supporting domestic technological innovation, and setting new regulatory standards for privacy and safety, Platinum is well-positioned to amplify our clients’ voices.
With California’s constantly evolving technology industry, the State is home of some of the major technology companies as well as a hub for new and emerging ideas and brands. While technology enables innovation and generates growth for companies, it also results in regulatory and legislative oversight. Given this California is typically the incubator for these ideas, which is then used as a template in other states.
Corporate Social Responsibility
From fundraising and limited staffing to economic instability, the challenges are only compounded when the organization needs to function in a political or bureaucratic environment. Platinum Advisors understands those challenges and has helped guide numerous non-profits through the process.
Among many others, Platinum Advisors has supported the efforts of environmental non-profit organizations such as the Aquarium of the Bay Foundation and the World Wildlife Fund’s successful Earth Hour project. Additionally, Platinum has helped non-profit organizations navigate the legislative and budgetary process for clean drinking water, cleaner oceans, sustainable fishing practices and securing state funds for operation. We have provided unparalleled counsel to help nonprofits with growth, strategic planning and relationship building.
Platinum Advisors is active and successful in arenas that few non-profits have the necessary resources to thrive. We believe that non-profits deserve a level playing field, and we work to guarantee that our non-profit clients have a forum in which their issues are heard.
Municipal Issues
The state’s record-setting budget battles and declining revenues mean that local governments must be diligent year-round to preserve their position in the distribution of funds. Education, infrastructure repair, homeland security, social services and countless state-mandated programs must be funded and the competition for funding gets tougher every year. Platinum Advisors provides in-depth analysis and consulting to a wide variety of local government entities, including at the federal level. We play a critical role in keeping our clients positioned to meet the needs of their communities, protect them from state raids on local funds, and advocates for stable and predictable revenue sources
In these difficult budget times, our legislative work can also help save our public sector clients money. Sometimes those efforts are in the form of direct dollars, and sometimes we are able to improve government efficacy, saving both time and money. For instance, on behalf of one of our clients, we defeated a bill that would have added a new layer of bureaucracy and directly cost our client $750,000 in general fund revenue. In another case, our client sponsored legislation that specifically waived over a million dollars in fines and penalties that the state was improperly trying to collect, ultimately getting the legislation signed into law.
The retail industry is one of the most competitive and dynamic industries in existence and nobody understands that better than the experienced team at Platinum Advisors. From the boardroom to state and local government relationships, Platinum Advisors’ team of lobbyists have collectively over two decades of experience working to advance the interests of the retail industry. We have served in in-house positions at some of the world’s top retailers and we understand the issues better than anyone else. More importantly, we understand what you need in order to be successful.
From mergers and acquisitions to strategically evolving in a hyper competitive market, we have the unparalleled experience guiding our clients with ease. We have successfully beat back harmful labor and employment legislation and we have had great success proactively pushing legislation to help our retail clients get an edge in their respective industry. We have helped our retail clients forge key partnerships with third party groups in order to build the right coalition to win.